Procedures for Hancock Alumni and Community Association Event Awards
Presently there are four categories of awards. These are Alumnus of Distinction, Young Alumnus of Distinction, Community Person of the Year, and Business Person of the Year. The Business Person of the Year and Community Person of the Year will be presented as determined at either Dinner Dance when worthy nominations are approved. The Alumnus and Young Alumnus of Distinction awards will normally be presented at each dance. The difference in the two awards is that the Young Alumnus of Distinction is limited to a person who has not yet reached 36 years of age. For all awards, a deserving candidate must first be identified in order for an award to be presented.
Business Person of the Year
A leader in the business community with a track record of business success; a record of community involvement; demonstrated results of quality product/service; demonstrated results of creative, well-planned and effective marketing and/or business strategy; a contributor to job creation and/or development of people.
Community Person of the Year
An individual who has truly demonstrated support, participation and significant contributions to the community such as involvement through volunteer efforts, financial giving, and/or enhancement of the community’s image and reputation as a respected leader and role model.
Alumnus and Young Alumnus of the Year
An alumnus of the Hancock Place School system who has made exceptional achievements and contributions to the recipient’s profession, community and/or society. The recipient should be a respected leader, role model, and active supporter through volunteer efforts, financial giving and/or enhancement of Hancock’s image and reputation.
Creation and Maintenance of a Master File for Nominees of Awards
The President of the Association will establish an Awards Committee to perform the tasks outlined in these procedures and others that may arise in the future. A member of the Association may submit, in writing, a nominee for an award. These submissions may be made at any time throughout the year. Valid submissions will be placed in the awards nominations file. The submitted data shall include the following:
Name of the award
Full name of nominee
Age of the nominee
Class year when applicable
Submitter’s name, address, telephone number and e-mail address
Brief summary of nominee’s qualifications, which must include that you have ascertained the nominee, will attend the dinner/dance to receive the award.
Any nominee who does not want to accept the award will not be considered. It must be emphasized that this nomination procedure should be broadcast as widely as possible via the News Bulletin and at the various activities in which the Association participates throughout the year.
Selection of Award Winners
Three months prior to the next Event, the monitor of the awards nomination file will produce a list of all the current nominations, segregated by award categories, for the other member of the Awards Committee. The committee will meet to review the list and shorten it if needed. Only a maximum of three nominees per award category will be presented to the attending member s of the Association at the beginning of the next meeting, which will be two months prior to the Event (February for Spring and August for Fall). The voting for the awards will take place near the end of the meeting. After the award winners have been selected, they are to be notified as quickly as possible.
Awards presentation
The President of the Association will present the awards during the Event. Any award winner who does not attend the Event to receive the award will forfeit it unless there are extenuating circumstances, which shall be reviewed and judged by the Officers of the Association.
Post Award Actions
In order to make the awards more meaningful, plaques will be displayed prominently at the high school. Each will reflect the award name, year of the award, and awardees name with class year (if applicable). The Awards Committee is tasked to design, obtain, and maintain the wall displays. All previous award winners should also be displayed. The Committee is responsible to find out who these people are and ensure that their names are also displayed.